Episode 9 -Bounty Lost In the last episode of the series, the team loses a man at the hands of a bounty hunter. The team is not sure if the hunter is after the bounty or them, but they know they have to get him.

The Bad Batch is an American indie zombie apocalypse thriller series that has been running on the Starz network since 2014. It focuses on the survivors of a chemical experiment gone awry in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. In the first four seasons, each season followed the group as they struggled to find a place to call home in the chaotic wastelands of America.

Although I had my doubts about The Bad Batch, I have to say that the season one finale was a solid note to end this season on. The Bad Batch started off as a standard action thriller with a few twists, but the writers have managed to take the story and make it something completely different. There are no more cliché bad guys, the characters now have depth, and there’s a level of drama that can only be experienced in a real life scenario.

CHECK : Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, Bounty Lost

Television overview

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, “Bounty Lost”


In Bounty Lost, Butch searches for Omega while dodging Crosshairs and his soldiers. Unable to locate Cad Bane’s ship, Hunter makes the difficult decision to jump into hyperspace and escape the line of fire. Meanwhile, Cad Bane and the Kaminoans arrange a meeting and trade Omega for a reward. Nala Se voluntarily accepts the exchange, but Lama Su chooses the city of Vae. He notes that Nala Xie’s personal involvement with Omega has jeopardized his plans anyway. Back on Bane’s ship, Omega tempts his droid to free her and knock her unconscious. When the ship lands, she escapes and joins the group. However, Bane quickly catches up to her and destroys her communicator/tracker. Towne Ve is killed before the exchange can take place, and Fennec Shand shows up with a gun in his hand. She offers Bane to trade the girl for Kamino’s money, but Bane’s droid takes the money from her hands. A firefight ensues, Omega finds the lab and sends the coordinates to Batch. The bounty hunters find Omega, but are distracted by the others. Omega finds the escape pod and is ejected into the atmosphere. The group finds Omega, and Hunter explains that the Kaminoans are after her because her uniqueness makes her the most valuable clone. Nala Xie contacts Shand and tells her to stay away from the party. She says that as long as Lama Suh doesn’t have an Omega, everything is fine and Shand will get his payment.

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, “Bounty Lost”

Bounty Lost is absolutely fascinating from start to finish. It was one of the most unpredictable TV episodes I’ve seen in a long time. The shootout and match between Cad Bane and Fennec Shand was pure adrenaline, and I honestly couldn’t imagine how it would go down. Bane has experience on his side and seems completely invincible; this guy fought Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Clone Wars! But Fennec Shand has proven he’s more than capable of it, both in Mandalorian and here in Bad Party. They were constantly outdoing themselves in this match, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I’m still hoping and waiting to see Bane fight Boba Fett like Filoni had planned in Clone Wars, but it was really cool. These are not the two characters I would have fought with or even met. But like Maul and Ahsoka in season 7 of The Clone Wars, I’m glad Filoni had this idea in mind.

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, “Bounty Lost”

One of my favorite things about Bounty Lost is the story of Nala Xie and her interest in Omega. We’ve seen snippets of this all season, most notably in Consequences, when she let the team get away with Omega. I’m not quite sure what’s going on here: Does she love Omega as her own child? Is she so proud of this creation that she doesn’t want to destroy it? Does she simply have her own goals for Omega that clash with Lama Su’s desire to maintain relations with the new Empire? There are so many things you can do with these characters and I can’t wait to see them. At the beginning of Bounty Lost, when Lama Su asks Taun Ve to kill Omega after he gains his DNA, Nala Se seems visibly upset but says nothing. The revelation at the end of Lost Prey that Fennec Shand worked specifically for Nala Xie and not Lama Su is dynamite. It’s such a satisfying solution because it’s shocking, but in retrospect it makes perfect sense. If Nala Xie was so concerned about Omega’s fate, she would surely hire her own bounty hunter to protect her. Omega’s return to Lama Su on Kamino would put her life in danger and of course Nala Xie’s job and/or her relationship with the girl.

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, “Bounty Lost”

I love the way the mystery of Omega’s birth and fate is revealed. We didn’t get anything about Tarkin and Rampart from the Imperial side this week, but the Bounty Lost story is so good I don’t mind. Knowing that the Fennec had a different and conflicting mission than Bane adds additional complexity and tension to an already complicated situation. It also explains why Shand let Omega escape and turned on Bane. I thought it was the usual stupidity/shame move by the bad guy to let her get away with it. But knowing that Shand did it on purpose and wanted to protect Omega sheds new light on the matter.  I still think we’ll see Boba Fett against Cad Bane at some point, and I’m looking forward to it.

I just have trouble with the claim that Omega is a perfect clone of Django Fett, or however you want to phrase it. If they come back to this, and I suspect they probably will, it will not necessarily be a disadvantage. This may be part of the preparation for another disclosure. But I don’t see how Omega could be a true Fett clone without modifications or extra DNA from someone else – firstly because she’s clearly female, unlike Django and the normal clones, and also because of the special abilities she seems to have. Sounds like she has the power or just enhanced senses, I prefer the latter which seems more likely. At this point, it’s more of a concern than a real flaw in the series. I bet Filoni will give more answers about Omega as the season progresses.

REVIEW: The Bad Batch – Season 1, Episode 9, “Bounty Lost”

Of course, the animation in Bounty Lost is beautiful and always so fluid. The chase and fight scene with Omega, Cad Bane and Fennec Shand is visually appealing and gives the episode momentum.  Kevin Keener’s musical score continues to complement this production perfectly. And of course, the dubbing of this series every week is excellent. Ming Na-Wen (Fennec Shand) and Corey Burton (Cade Bain) complement each other very well. Michelle Ang gives Omega more vulnerability than usual in Lost Bounty, especially when she asks Hunter why the Caminoans want her back so badly.

Overall, Bounty Lost is an excellent installment of The Bad Batch series. It’s exciting, visually interesting and builds on the plot around Omega, Nala Xie, Fennec Shanda and the story as a whole. This is one of my favorite episodes of Bad Party so far.

Location – 9
Actor – 9
Progression – 9
Production planning – 9
Animation – 9



Overall, Bounty Lost is an excellent installment of The Bad Batch series. It’s exciting, visually interesting and builds on the plot around Omega, Nala Xie, Fennec Shanda and the story as a whole. This is one of my favorite episodes of Bad Party so far.It is time for the next episode of The Bad Batch and I find myself a little bit disappointed by the events that have unfolded. The idea is good, but the execution is not as good. The characters are not as fleshed out as I would have liked them to be and it is just not as engaging as the previous episodes. It seems that we are getting to the end of the season and a little over half way into a show. I hate to say it, but it’s almost time for me to say good bye to this show.. Read more about bad batch episode 2 full episode and let us know what you think.

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