You can find the best YOIMIA build in Genshin Impact in the “Genshin Impact” guild site. A team of expert GM’s and level 100 YOIMIA players, representing game-related forums, has worked to create an optimal build for this guild site.

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The Genshin Impact Yoimiya is a build that was released by a user named Kanno Himeko as a result of Kanno and another user named Amino Mizuki collaborating. It’s a Yoimiya build that can be used for both attacking and defending, and comes with a unique team build of the members of the fictional team Yoimiya (Kanno, Amino, & Inugami).

Best Yoimiya build in Genshin Impact

Yoimiya is a new five-star Pyro playable character added to Genshin Impact Version 2.0. The proprietor of Inazuma’s Nagohanhara Fireworks wields a bow and devastates opponents with explosive Pyro techniques. We’ll look at the finest Yoimiya build in Genshin Impact, as well as the best Weapons, Artifacts, and Stats to concentrate on for her, in this article. This guide may be useful if you’re looking forward to playing this character.

We’ll look at all of Yoimiya’s techniques, as well as the necessary ascension materials, talent level-up materials, and her skills and constellations, in addition to giving the optimal Yoimiya build.

In Genshin Impact, the best Yoimiya build is

  • Thundering Pulse is a weapon.
  • Crimson Witch of Flames artifacts
  • Attack Percentage, Pyro Damage, Crit Rate, and Crit Damage are the stats.

Yoimiya’s Best Weapon

The Thundering Pulse is Yoimiya’s greatest weapon. It’s a five-star weapon with excellent Base ATK and CRIT DMG numbers, as well as a fantastic passive ability. The passive gives the bearer The Might of the Thunder Emblem and boosts ATK by 20%. We have some options for you since this weapon can only be obtained via desires.

Rust, Blackcliff Warbow, and The Viridescent Hunt are three non-five-star weapons to consider for Yoimiya.

Yoimiya’s Best Artifacts

The four-piece Crimson Witch of Flames is Yoimiya’s best-in-slot Artifact. The Crimson Witch of Flames set has bonus damage, making it a very strong piece of gear for Yoimiya. However, there are several options.

A four-piece Lavawalker or a two-piece Crimson Witch of Flames with a two-piece Gladiator set are both excellent Artifacts for Yoimiya. Wanderer’s and Gladiator’s are also viable options for lower-level players.

Yoimiya’s best stats

The following are the key Yoimiya metrics to pay attention to:

  • Attack Percentage in Eons of Sand
  • Bonus Pyro Damage from the Goblet
  • Crit Rate and Crit Damage are shown by a circle.

Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Attack Percentage, and ELemental Mastery are among the sub-stats to emphasize. You may also use some energy recharge as a backup plan.

Yoimiya’s Skills and Abilities

Yoimiya’s talents and skills in Genshin Impact are as follows:

  • Yoimiya waves a sparkler and a ring of saltpeter forms around her. Niwabi Fire-Dance (Elemental Skill): Yoimiya causes a ring of saltpeter to form around her. Yoimiya’s Normal Attack arrows will become Blazing Arrows at this period, and their DMG will be boosted and converted to Pyro damage.
  • Yoimiya soars into the air with her own invention, the “Ryuukin Saxifrage,” in a “Elemental Burst.” She launches a barrage of flaming rockets exploding with surprises, doing AoE Pyro damage and imbuing one of the targets with Aurous Blaze.
    • Aurous Blaze: Any attack by a party member causes an explosion that delivers Pyro damage to everyone in the area. Every two seconds, one Aurous Blaze may be triggered.

Materials for Yoimiya’s Ascension

The following items are required for Yoimiya’s ascension:

Level Materials for Ascension
20 20k Mora, 1 Agnidus Agate Sliver, 3 Naku Weed, 3 Divining Scroll
40 3 shards of Agnidus agate, 2 shards of Smoldering Pearl, 10 shards of Naku weed, 15 shards of Divining Scroll, 40k Mora
50 3 shards of Agnidus agate, 2 shards of Smoldering Pearl, 10 shards of Naku weed, 15 shards of Divining Scroll, 40k Mora
60 6 shards of Agnidus agate, 4 shards of Smoldering Pearl, 20 shards of Naku Weed, 12 shards of Sealed Scroll, 60k Mora
70 80k Mora, 3 Agnidus Agate Chunk, 8 Smoldering Pearl, 30 Naku Weed, 18 Sealed Scroll, 3 Agnidus Agate Chunk, 8 Smoldering Pearl, 30 Naku Weed, 18 Sealed Scroll
80 Six Agnidus Agate Chunks, twelve Smoldering Pearls, forty-five Naku Weeds, twelve Forbidden Curse Scrolls, and one hundred thousand Mora
90 Agnidus 6 20 Smoldering Pearl, 60 Naku Weed, 24 Forbidden Curse Scroll, 120k Mora Agate Gemstone, 20 Smoldering Pearl, 60 Naku Weed, 24 Forbidden Curse Scroll, 120k Mora

Yoimiya needs Naku Weed and Smoldering Pearl, both of which are Inazuma-only items. While Naku Weed may be found everywhere throughout Inazuma, the Hypostasis boss drops the Smoldering Pearl.

Materials for Yoimiya Talent Leveling

Yoimiya needs the following items to level up her talent:

Level Materials for Ascension
2 3 Transcendental Teachings, 6 Divining Scrolls, 12.5k Mora
3 17.5k Mora, 2 Guide to Transience, 3 Sealed Scroll
4 4 Sealed Scrolls, 4 Guides to Transience, 25k Mora
5 30kMora, 6 Guide to Transience, 6 Sealed Scroll
6 9 Sealed Scroll, 37.5k Mora, 9 Guide to Transience
7 1 Dragon Lord’s Crown, 4 Philosophies of Transience, 4 Forbidden Curse Scrolls, 120k Mora
8 260k Mora, 6 Philosophies of Transience, 6 Forbidden Curse Scrolls, 1 Dragon Lord’s Crown, 6 Philosophies of Transience
9 450k Mora, 12 Philosophies of Transience, 9 Forbidden Curse Scrolls, 2 Dragon Lord’s Crown, 12 Philosophies of Transience
10 16 Forbidden Curse Scrolls, 12 Philosophies of Transience, 2 Dragon Lord’s Crowns, 1 Crown of Insight, 700k Mora

Yoimiya Constellations are a series of constellations created by Yoimiya.

Yoimiya’s constellations are as follows:

Constellation Effect
Ryuukin Agate Ryuukin Saxifrage’s Blaze lasts for another four seconds. Yoimiya’s attack increases by 20% for 20 seconds if an opponent is defeated while the Blaze is active.
A Bonfire Procession is a procession of bonfires. Yoimiya gets a 25% Pyro damage boost for six seconds after she scores a critical hit with Pyro. When Yoimiya is inactive, this may happen.
Flare of the Trickster Niwabi Fire-level Dance’s is raised by three.
Professional Pyrotechnics When Auros Blaze produces an explosion, Niwabi Fire-cooldown Dance’s duration is reduced by 1.2 seconds.
The Eve of a Summer Festival Increases the level of Ryuukin Saxifrage by three.
Swarm of Meteors in Naganohara During Niwabi Fire-Dance, Yoimiya has a 50% chance of shooting an additional Kindling Arrow. As regular damage, this arrow delivers 60% of the Kindling Arrow’s original output.

Today we are going to be playing the game Yoimiya, which is a game that has you battling other people on the internet via the browser. This is a game that you may have heard of called Minecraft. This is a game that is so popular that literally hundreds of thousands of people play it regularly. The game is so popular that it actually has a Facebook game where you can play the game online with your friends.. Read more about yoimiya genshin character model and let us know what you think.

I am a DPS Genshin."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What weapon is good for Yoimiya?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Yoimiya is a weapon that can be used with any type of music."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What element is Yoimiya?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Yoimiya is a type of metal."}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Yoimiya a DPS Genshin?

I am a DPS Genshin.

What weapon is good for Yoimiya?

Yoimiya is a weapon that can be used with any type of music.

What element is Yoimiya?

Yoimiya is a type of metal.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • yoimiya genshin impact
  • yoimiya genshin impact release date
  • yoimiya genshin impact leak
  • yoimiya genshin build
  • yoimiya genshin ascension materials
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