Red Dead Online is arguably Rockstar’s most ambitious multiplayer title yet, and it’s a nice change of pace from the family friendly GTA. The game has a number of different activities that any player can enjoy: teaming up with friends for wild adventures in the open world, or even taking part in a bounty hunt while playing as the notorious Dutch van der Linde.

I was about to get started on my next project when I realized that I had yet to unlock everything that could be unlocked in Red Dead Online! For this reason I have decided to create a guide to Farm Capitale in Red Dead Online. Farm Capitale is a quite useful crafting material that can be used to craft horses, which are the fastest way to farm capitol in Red Dead Online.

Capitals are required to complete the Blood Money DLC’s chances. In this guide to the fastest way to raise capital in Red Dead Online, you’ll learn the fastest way to raise capital, so you can skip half the hassle and get to your opportunities faster.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

It’s currently the fastest way, but the DLC has only just begun. To put this in perspective: After 5 hours of play, we found 2 Capitals in a group of two. That’s it. Using this method, you can play 1-2 in about 3 minutes, including loading and dialogue, which is much faster than missions.


The fastest way to increase your capital in Red Dead Online

You need to run the Blood Money DLC, then talk to a contact to start the Blood Money crime. You have to select the Jeb Phelps contract. When you start a mission, ignore the goal. You need to go to the warehouse-like building at the location indicated above.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

Be careful. As soon as you enter the warehouse, an invisible enemy starts shooting at you. There’s nothing you can do. You may die the first few times, but once you know where the box is, you can close it every time before you get killed. Once you enter the barn/warehouse, the cabinet is just to the left of the table. You have to get there fast and open it. You get either 1 capital, 2 capitals or a treasure. At this point, we assume a capital loss of about 75%.

Once you’ve raided the box, click Start and then click the Online tab. Then choose Crime. As a result, you leave the mission and find yourself next to another Blood Money contact, allowing you to choose the Jeb Phelps contract again. Rinse and repeat.

  • Jeb Phelps contract begins
  • Ignore the target. Go to the barn/warehouse at the entrance of the town.
  • Just left when you enter the barn, open the chest.
  • Watch out for the invisible enemy. After a few tries, you should be able to get a 100% dead box.
  • Once you have ransacked the vault, click Start and go to the Online option.
  • Select Crime to complete the mission and reanimate near the contract to repeat the process.

And it’s the fastest way to farm the capital in Red Dead Online.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

The Capital is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online, which unlocks special missions. This guide entitled How to get more capitals will introduce you to the basics of Red Dead Online.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

Capital is required to complete the features of the Blood Money DLC. This guide to the fastest way to raise money in Red Dead Online will walk you through the fastest way to raise money so you can get the most out of it.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new type of currency that you can use to unlock special missions. This guide, titled What to do with capital in Red Dead Online, explains how capital works.

Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online

Capital is the new currency used in Red Dead Online’s Blood Money update, but it’s shrouded in a certain mystique. In this guide, you will learn how to control your money in Red Dead Online.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to get materials in RDR2 online?

The fastest way to get materials is to buy them from the store.

What is the fastest way to get XP in RDR2 online?

The fastest way to get XP in RDR2 online is to complete a bounty.

Can you get laid in RDR2 online?

Yes, you can get laid in RDR2 online.

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