Iron Banner is a weekend-long event in Destiny 2 where the game’s players compete to gather the most points by completing ‘Iron Banner’ missions, or PvE missions in the game. The most points are awarded to players who have the highest number of kills with that faction’s weapons and armor. This event is scheduled to begin on August 3rd, 2023 (8/3/21), i.e. September of 2023.

Hello! My name is [your name], and I have the distinct honor and privilege of being your base captain for some of Destiny 2’s Iron Banner events–the most competitive Crucible battles in the game.

A short post to detail the current state of the Iron Banner, and suggest some possible directions for the upcoming event.

[D2] Iron Banner Megathread [2021-08-03]

The article’s substance

The Iron Banner is now active.

“Allow the Iron Banner to mold you.”

Saladin Forge is a forge owned by Saladin.


What is the significance of the Iron Banner?

  • Iron Banner is a Crucible event in Destiny 2 that lasts a week and awards players with unique prizes. More information is available at

  • The Hunt begins when you control all three zones in the game mode, which is a unique variation of Control. Before being reset to neutral, the zones are locked down for 15 seconds.

  • Power Level, unlike all other Crucible settings, is important. If your Power Level is lower than your opponent’s, you will do less damage and suffer more damage.

What is the duration of Iron Banner?

Where can I find Guardians in the Iron Banner to play games with?

  • Fireteams,, the Xbox LFG system, or, or the recruiting forum are all options (also available through the Bungie App).

What if I have a general Iron Banner inquiry or a question regarding another piece of armor/weapon?

  • Search for terms in your query by pressing Control + F (or Command + F on a Mac). It’s possible that someone has previously asked it. If they haven’t already, ask them directly below.

Seasonal Delights

  • You may take up a seasonal quest from Lord Saladin at the start of each season. You’ll be awarded with an armor piece from the current season after each mission stage.

  • The quest will continue over to future Iron Banners in the same season, however it will be completed at the conclusion of the season.

What is the best way to get Iron Banner Tokens?

Matches Completed:

  • Players will be given Iron Banner Tokens to turn in to Lord Saladin after finishing an Iron Banner Crucible match. While all Iron Banner match completions provide tokens, victories provide more than losers.

    • 5 Tokens as a prize for winning.
    • Losses get you three tokens.

Bounties for the Week:

  • Weekly Iron Banner Bounties are a way for players to acquire more Iron Banner Tokens. Each character may accomplish these tasks.

    • 50 Tokens Weekly Bounty Reward
    • Each Weekly Bounty comes with a piece of Pinnacle Gear as well.
  • There are seven weekly bounties to choose from, four of them are available each IB. A list may be seen below!

Lord Saladin sells the following items:

The Iron Banner is supervised by Lord Saladin. He appears in the tower, up the stairs to the right of the Gunsmith, with weapons and armor based on the Guardians Iron Banner.

Faction Benefits

To get an Iron Banner engram, which includes randomly rolled weaponry, turn in 20 Tokens. You may also get randomly rolled armor after completing the seasonal task.

Bounties of Iron

Name Description Requirement Reward
The Pack’s Oath Defeat opponents with at least one other teammate’s help. 100 opponents have been vanquished. XP & 50 Iron Banner Token & Pinnacle Gear
In Front of the Fire Zones to capture in the Iron Banner playlist. For each extra teammate in the zone with you, get bonus progress. Captured 100 Zones XP & 50 Iron Banner Token & Pinnacle Gear
Maneuver Warfare is a kind of warfare that involves maneuvering. While your team has Zone Advantage, defeat your opponents. During the Hunt, you may earn extra progress. 75 opponents have been vanquished. XP & 50 Iron Banner Token & Pinnacle Gear
The Rout In the Iron Banner, defeat your opponents. Landing finishing strikes on opponents with a higher Power level will earn you extra advancement. 200 people were vanquished. XP & 50 Iron Banner Token & Pinnacle Gear

Additional Iron Banner Rewards are available.

You have a chance to get randomly rolled Iron Banner gear at the end of matches. This includes all available weapons & armor for the current season.

Original source: link

  • [2021-01-05] Iron Banner Megathread [D2]

    The Iron Banner is now active. “Allow the Iron Banner to mold you.” Saladin Forge’s Frequently Asked Questions What is the significance of the Iron Banner? Iron Banner is a Crucible event in Destiny 2 that lasts a week and awards players with unique prizes. More information is available at The game mode is a one-of-a-kind variation of Control – Control…

  • [2021-05-18] Iron Banner Megathread [D2]

    The Iron Banner is now active. “Allow the Iron Banner to mold you.” Saladin Forge’s Frequently Asked Questions What is the significance of the Iron Banner? Iron Banner is a Crucible event in Destiny 2 that lasts a week and awards players with unique prizes. More information is available at The game mode is a one-of-a-kind variation of Control – Control…

  • [2021-03-23] Iron Banner Megathread [D2]

    The Iron Banner is now active. “Allow the Iron Banner to mold you.” Saladin Forge’s Frequently Asked Questions What is the significance of the Iron Banner? Iron Banner is a Crucible event in Destiny 2 that lasts a week and awards players with unique prizes. More information is available at The game mode is a one-of-a-kind variation of Control – Control…

Post about the game Destiny 2 in the “[D2] Iron Banner Megathread [2021-08-03]” thread.

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Iron Banner is a challenging PvP event that takes place in the Crucible. The problem is that Bungie has not provided a clue on how the event will work this year, as well as a detailed breakdown of how to participate. With that in mind, what kind of info you can gather is a clue as to how to play the game, which weapons are effective, and a list of weapons that are considered ‘banned’.. Read more about iron banner rotation and let us know what you think.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • iron banner loot pool september 2023
  • destiny 2 iron banner 2023 schedule
  • iron banner loot pool 2023
  • iron banner schedule 2023
  • iron banner drop pool
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